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Nurse's Corner

Nurse's Corner

Mrs. Callaghan,RN, CSN                                                                             

School Nurse

p: (609)631-4153, option #3                                                                                 



Welcome to Kisthardt Elementary, home of the Kisthardt Comets!


Covid-19 Health Update: Please see the district website for updates. 


  *** Please remember handwashing is a top priority!! Wash your hands frequently with warm soapy water. Also, please reinforce not to touch your eyes, nose and mouth and to cover all coughs and sneezes. Reinforcement of these healthy habits is always useful and helpful!!! Thank you for your continued support in helping each other stay healthy!!  




Requirements for Incoming Kindergarten Students and Transfer Students: (forms on left sidebar)

  • Updated physical-  Universal Health Record completed by the doctor
  • Updated immunization record
  • Student Health History- completed by the parent / guardian

Requirements for Outgoing 5th grade students: (forms on left sidebar)

  •  Booster Tdap (Tetanus, Diptheria, Acellular Petussis)
  •  One dose of a meningococcal- containing vaccine.

Immunizations are expected to be completed soon after their 11th birthday. If your child has a birthday after the first day of school in September, please send in to the school nurse a doctor's note with the appointment date of when the immunizations will be given.

The Hamilton Township Division of Health offers free immunizations to any student who attends the Hamilton Township School District. Please call (609) 890-3884 to make an appointment. 

For assistance with physicals, call the Henry J. Austin Center at 609-278-5900.

Health Insurance: To apply for NJ Family Care- visit their webpage at or call 1(800) 701-0710.

 Some important reminders


Please remember to call the Attendance line, 631-4153,option #4 ,or my office, 631-4153, option #3,  when your child will be late or absent from school.


ALL medication given at school requires a medication form to be filled out by the physician and signed by the parent (For forms, see below link).
All medications must be in it's original pharmacy labeled container.
All medication must be brought to and from school by an adult.

Emergency Numbers

Please remember to update contact numbers. It is very important to be able to contact you in the event your child is sick or injured.

Absence Due to Fever

Any child who has a temperature of 100.0 or more may not be in school. Please do not send your child back to school unless they are fever free for 24 hours without the use of tylenol or other fever reducing medications.

Health Records

Records are maintained for each student. Please notify the health office of any changes in your child's health- including a new allergy/ allergic reaction, injury, hospitalization, illness/ disease or other health condition, so that the student's file can be kept up to date.

Health Screenings

Screenings include blood pressure, height, weight, vision and hearing. Color perception screening is done in first grade. Scoliosis screening is done every other year beginning at age 10. If a referral is sent home, please have the physician complete the form and return it to the nurse's office. 

Food Allergies

 Food allergies are a serious issue in the classroom. **There will be No Outside Food allowed**

 Thank you for your cooperation with this matter.